SEnine Magazine Interview and Some Lettuce Based Ramblings

I'm in print! Me! I know, right?!

Lovely local magazine SEnine, which champions all things south east nine, met me last month for a coffee and a quit chat about my little blog. This little blog. It's a look at my attempts at trying to use mostly local producers, suppliers and business for everything, ever. It's a great publication and if you don't live in the area (shame on you! I suggest you move), the current issue is available here and is well worth a read. I'm on page 28, if you're impatient and want to skip straight to more of my ramblings- who wouldn't?! For those of you that are local, (hey homies!) you can pick a copy up for free- that's no money at all- from Mottingham library.

My article photo of me looking giggly in my kitchen was taken by the wonderful tiny Kirsty, and her gorgeous camera, of Diary of a Small Girl fame. Go and check out her blog for goings on of the weeny lady kind.

In other news, how hard is it to buy a lettuce around here?! After my constant moaning about there not being a green grocer for miles around, one did actually open up at the bottom of the road. But, before I could praise some etheral being, I went and had a look and found that absolutely everything is imported, which means there's lots of lovely mooli, pineapple and other exotic delights on offer, but only foreign grown iceberg lettuce. Not good enough, I say. I hate iceberg lettuce. Why can't we get a round, romaine, rosso or escarole?! I tried the next nearest shop, which was a Co-op, and all they had were pre-cut, over-priced bags of already dead leaves. I drove into Chislehurst and went to my beloved Village Store to find nothing but more iceberg. Admittedly, they did say they could pick me something different up for tomorrow, but I can't go tomorrow and that doesn't help me for making up my fasting lunch tonight. Finally I ended up back in Sainsbury- boo! Hiss! All for a bit of salad filler. Why is it so difficult to get a good, local lettuce?!

For anyone in the South East London area, I want you to tell me your favourite green grocers. Where can I get good, seasonal British veggies when I need to top up my Kent Veg Box deliveries? It's driving me mad! I need some decent greens!


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