Giving "Gluten Free Roasts" A Roasting

I am very lucky that in the 5 or so years I've been forced into gluten freedom, I have seen leaps and bounds with the wheatless industry. There is now actually edible bread- something I thought I'd never have again without the wonder of wheat. Pizza and pasta safe for consumption is readily available in multiple locations on my high street. More and more places are aware of customers with special diets and what that means, and it's actually becoming easier to be gluten free almost anywhere, unless I'm trying to be gluten free and veggie. I do not recommend developing morals when you're already restricted in your diet. However, I have one teensy weensy quibble, could everyone please stop saying that they offer gluten free roast dinners when what that actually means is you can have some meat, veg and potatoes but no yorkshire, stuffing, gravy or condiments?! That is not a roast dinner. That is meat and 2 veg. Expensive meat and 2 veg.

I've got news for you folks, gluten free yorkshire puddings are easy. Honest! They are one of the first things I ever tried to do gluten free, and yes, they don't look the same and the texture is doughier, but they are bloody tasty, in fact, I prefer them to "normal" now and so does my recent convert to wheat shunning sister. Providing a suitable alternative instead of just removing all offending components of a dish would make a massive difference in the fight against food aggression, especially if I happen to be eating with you. The mixture is exactly the same; flour, egg, milk and salt. Gluten free flour mixes are pretty readily available these days and I'm sure pre-made yorkies would freeze for later. Basically, if you don't start offering me yorkshires when claiming to make a gf roast, I am going to start forking you all in the eye until you get it.

So, I decided to do something positive with this midweek anger and make myself a full veggie roast. Infact, my puds are not only gluten free, but dairy free too. And guess what?! IT IS STILL EASY, TASTES DAMN GOOD, AND MAKES ME LESS STABBY. I will happily teach all pub cooks how to free from yorkie for free, if it meant that I would get offered some damn trimmings once and a while. No, no, it's ok...I'll be fine and just have this jacket potato and crouton-less salad...

If I can make a gluten free, vegetarian and delicious roast dinner on a Wednesday afternoon, can someone, somewhere not offer it the rest of the time? I'm going to start carrying my own in my handbag.

Gluten & Dairy Free Yorkshires

you will need:
4oz flour
4 eggs (I actually used 1 duck and 2 hen instead, but you want the equivalent of 1 hen's egg per oz of flour)
1/2 pint milk
generous pinch of salt
ghee or fat of choice

  1. Pop your flour and salt in a bowl.
  2. Make a well in your flour and crack in your eggs.
  3. Whisk in your milk until fully incorporated and lots of tiny bubbles cover the surface of your batter.
  4. Refrigerate your batter and make your chosen roast, if you're bothering to accompany your yorkshire with anything.
  5. About 40 minutes before you want to serve, pop your yorkshire tray with fat in, in the roasting oven.
  6. Get your yorkie mix out of the fridge and re-whisk until the tiny bubbles are back.
  7. Pop your now very hot pud tray out of the oven and ladle or pour your batter into it. Sling straight back into the hot oven.
  8. The size of your puds will depend on how long they need to cook, but 20-30 minutes should be plenty. You want them golden, but still a bit squidgy and almost cakey.
  9. Eat more of these beauties than any one human ever needs to, even the slightly burnt ones. See?! I told you it was simple. Now go and familiarise yourself. It would not only make me very happy, but I will remove you from my list of people to batter slap.
  10. Scroll down for my art installation entitled Yorkshire Porn. I really hope someone accidentally stumbles here from a search engine because I've used the words Yorkshire Porn and they were looking for sploshing Scunthorpians. How disappointed they will be. Like me, when I don't get offered Yorkshire puds. You're welcome.


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